Sunday, October 3, 2010

Our trip to Mercersburg

Still recovering from jet lag after a 21 hour travel period from Italy to the United States. Not much time to waste (or sleep) before off and running to the next "art gig" so to speak. Eric and I packed 6 of his Transformation prints in the car this afternoon and traveled south from our farm on PA I 75 through beautiful country side where the foliage is just starting to turn red, orange and gold - almost like Eric's print "Gold Hot Rays". This was one of the prints on exhibit at the Museo d'Arte in Chianciano, Italy during our recent visit there for the awards for photographic and digital arts. "Gold Hot Rays" will remain part of the museum's permanent collection. Our end destination today was the Burgin Center for the Arts on the campus of Mercersburg Academy in the lovely town of of Mercersburg, PA. We were met at the Center by Mark Flowers, artist and instructor at the Academy who will curate the exhibit of Eric's prints and the paintings of David Bottini in a show called "Forces of Nature". The opening of the exhibit is Friday, October 8th with a public reception at 7 p.m.

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